One Thousand Drawings Pension Plan

Just because y'all tin cash in your pension in one case y'all attain the age of 55 doesn't hateful you should.

Before grabbing the cash, you need to check if you might get striking by a mega tax nib, give upwards valuable benefits or run out of coin in retirement.

In this article, we cover:

  • The pros and cons of cashing in a pension
  • How much tax will I pay if I cash in my alimony?
  • How to pay less tax when cashing in my alimony
  • Tin I take my pension at 55 and piece of work?
  • Should I ask a financial adviser to assistance me decide?
  • Can I cash in my pension early?
  • What are the alternatives to cashing in my pension?

Learn more than in our unproblematic guide to pensions.

Old pot of money with magnifying glass.
In that location are several ways to greenbacks in a pension and accept the coin out of an one-time pension pot

The pension freedoms

Since 2015 it is possible to take your entire pension fund in 1 go equally cash in one case you achieve the age of 55.

This applies to divers contribution schemes and non final salary schemes.

When y'all withdraw money from your pension, the commencement quarter is gratuitous from income taxation. The remaining three quarters volition be taxed in the same mode as income.

Depending on how much your pension pot is, when it's added to your other income it might increase your tax rate.

When can I greenbacks in my alimony?

Nowadays, yous tin have out as much as yous like, when you similar, from your pension pot from the age of 55.

The government will increase this age to 57 from 2028.

But the earlier yous cash in your pension, the more likely it is that yous could run out of coin afterwards in retirement.

Observe out more than in our guide to pensions

Should I cash in my pension?

Whether you cash in your pension savings depends on your:

  • Age
  • Financial circumstances
  • The type of pension scheme you are invested in

Pros and cons of cashing in a pension


  • The first 25% is tax-free
  • The money may let you to retire early or go part-time at work
  • More flexibility to practise what you want with your money, particularly if you use an income drawdown product


  • Unless you buy an annuity, this is not an income for life and the earlier you cash it in, the higher the risk of being left brusque in older age
  • Once yous have cashed in the coin, it will no longer abound (unless you reinvest it)
  • You could end upwardly being pushed into a higher-rate tax ring and having a bigger tax bill (do a taxation adding first)
  • Withdrawing a big amount could reduce benefit entitlements now or in the future
  • Once you get-go taking an income from your pension, the money purchase annual allowance kicks in, which limits the amount you tin can contribute into your pot to £4,000 a yr

How much tax volition I pay if I cash in my pension?

Taking money out of your pension pot isn't the same as taking coin out of a savings account. Instead, yous might have to pay tax on your withdrawals.

  • The first 25% of money taken from your pension pot is taxation-free, whether information technology is in a defined contribution or defined benefit pension scheme.
  • The remaining 75% is taxed as income and the amount y'all pay depends on how much your total income comes to during a tax year. This is of import to remember if you are still working or intending to withdraw a big corporeality of money in one become.

You are less probable to be pushed into a college income bracket if you spread out your withdrawals and take smaller cash sums over several years. This means you could pay less tax.

When you cash in your pension, there'southward a potent possibility that y'all'll cease up paying more tax than you need to. This is because your pension company won't know:

  • What your personal tax code is
  • Or how much income you earn from other sources

HMRC should repay you at the finish of the tax year – though yous tin likewise claim a taxation refund earlier.

How to pay less taxation on my pension

You can commonly have the first 25 per cent from your pension as tax-free cash while the rest is taxed in the same way as income.

If you withdraw coin from your alimony in modest chunks rather than in ane get, 25% of each chunk will be tax free. This helps your alimony stretch farther and will allow you to continually benefit from this tax relief.

Notation, y'all could be taxed at a rate of 55% for anything you withdraw over the lifetime assart of £1,073,100.

In that location are ways to manage this so that you pay less than 10% tax on a £1.7m pension, largely by withdrawing money from your pot and reinvesting it using what'due south known every bit a flexi-access drawdown product.

This method is a bit complicated and is explained in more detail hither.

Can I accept my pension at 55 and however piece of work?

Aye, you can accept some or all of the money from your pension pot at the historic period of 55 and still continue to work if you want to.

This applies to defined contribution pension schemes (which are based on how much money you have paid in and your investment growth).

These include workplace schemes and personal pensions.

But here are some things to consider:

  • If you choose to comport on working while drawing your pension, do be careful about revenue enhancement.
  • While the outset 25% of a pension can be taken as a tax-complimentary lump sum, the rest is viewed every bit taxable income and is subject to your highest charge per unit of income tax.
  • When added to your other income in whatever given tax year, peculiarly if you have taken a large amount from your alimony in one go, you may be pushed into a higher tax bracket.
  • You will also be losing the tax relief on making alimony contributions while still working.

Check out our guide to pension drawdown.

Find out more: "Equity release sits aslope my part-fourth dimension job and state alimony"

Jane's retirement income is a mix of alimony, function-fourth dimension work and equity release

Should I utilize a financial adviser?

Financial advice regarding your alimony and your retirement plans could save yous time, coin and a lot of time to come worries.

Read more: How much does fiscal advice cost – and is information technology worth information technology?

Tin I cash in my alimony early?

Legally, you lot tin can only tap your pot earlier the age of 55 in very restricted circumstances, such as:

  • Last affliction
  • If you're in a specific occupation such equally professional person footballer, jockey or trapeze creative person (yes, really!)
  • Firefighters, the police force and members of the armed services may also be able to take pension benefits early

Contact your provider to see if you are eligible. It is best not to use a alimony release company as it may charge high fees; your pension provider will be able to sort it out for y'all.

For everyone else, a cash withdrawal from a pension before their 55th birthday will be viewed as an unauthorised payment, for which they volition be chased for a 55% tax bill on the amount taken out.

It doesn't matter if you plead ignorance, have spent the money or offer to put it back.

Yous might desire to read: How to retire early.

Tin I greenbacks in my pension if I no longer piece of work for a company?

You can greenbacks in your pension from an erstwhile employer, again from the historic period of 55, even if you no longer work for them. The money belongs to you.

Transferring your pension plans to 1 place can:

  • Help cut costs
  • Widen your option of investments
  • Brand it easier to manage your money
  • Yet, some schemes simply don't permit this, such every bit public sector schemes for teachers, police force, firefighters, NHS staff, civil servants and the armed forces.
Lisa has four workplace pensions that she would like to merge into one simply has to consider fees

If y'all are able to transfer, watch out for high get out fees, which could leave you worse off financially and so if you had stayed put.

Read more: "How practise I consolidate my pensions?"

What is the government pension tracing service UK?

If you lot motion jobs a number of times during your career, yous may discover that you have a cord of dissimilar pension pots. If you lot don't have all the paperwork, or you lot can't recall who your pension provider was, contact your old employer.

You tin can also use the regime Pension Tracing Service to rail downwardly old alimony providers by searching their database or calling 0800 731 0193.

Annotation: The Pension Tracing Service tin't tell yous whether you have a pension with a detail provider or how much it is. Information technology tin can only give you the contact details of that provider.

Get your tailored action plan for retirement

Find out if your retirement plans are on rails and go specific guidance & unproblematic deportment on what yous can do now.

  • It just takes a couple of minutes
  • No personal details required

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What are my alternatives to cashing in my pension?

You don't accept to greenbacks in your whole alimony. In that location are plenty of other options.

 Alternatives include:

  • Taking money from other savings start and continue to contribute to your pension
  • Keeping nigh of the coin in your pension and taking a regular income from the pot
  • Leaving the money invested and taking chunks as and when you lot demand information technology
  • Using your alimony coin to buy an annuity, which is a guaranteed income for life
  • Choosing a mix of different options


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