Murphy Arts District and El Dorado Festivals Events

Austin Barrow, president and principal operating officer of the Spud Arts District, is leaving his position, effective today.

Barrow'south departure was announced in a news release Wed afternoon. Barrow had been with El Dorado Festivals and Events, Inc., the organization behind MAD, since it began in 2011. The release noted that Barrow was a key individual in the organization's founding, being recruited to return to his hometown of El Dorado to spearhead what would go the Murphy Arts District.

"El Dorado Festivals and Events is sad to say goodbye to Austin, EFEI's first employee and i of our founders. He is a visionary who understood the potential of arts and amusement to positively impact the economic vitality of El Dorado," district CEO Terry Stewart said in the release. "Austin was instrumental in the conception of the project, equally well as leading the system during the construction phase of MAD. He has tirelessly carried our message at the state and city levels, and to our many members, donors and other supporters."

According to the release, Barrow has decided to return to his original passion of performing arts. Before joining MAD, he worked in acting, film production and performing arts in Los Angeles, and taught theater at the college level. The release noted that Barrow will exist involved in several performing arts projects around the country, including in the El Dorado area.

"We will miss him, but I am also happy that he will be pursuing his dreams," Stewart said. "Austin and his family unit are staying in El Dorado and he has agreed to consult on various EFEI projects equally needed."

With Barrow'due south departure, the release announced that Pam Griffin, electric current chief financial officer, will take over the position of president and COO. Griffin, some other S Arkansas native, is noted in the release equally a primal player in the formation of El Dorado Festivals and Events since she joined the organization four years ago.

Griffin previously served as chair of the El Dorado-Union Canton Chamber of Commerce, as well as a board member at the South Arkansas Arts Middle and Turning Indicate. She previously worked as controller with AmerCable, now known every bit Nexans AmerCable.

"We are and then lucky to have such a knowledgeable, experienced executive as a member of our team who can step in and take over the COO position," Stewart said in the release. "Pam's background of many years in finance and senior management is a perfect blend for her new responsibilities."

When asked past the News-Times who would accept over Griffin's duties as CFO, Master Marketing Officer Bob Tarren said those would "transition to her staff."

"Nosotros have someone inhouse who is ready now for the bulk of those duties and is surrounded by a great bookkeeping department staff," Tarren said in an email. "We take been preparing for the smoothest transition possible."

In the release, Barrow called the last viii years spent dorsum in his hometown "an amazingly rewarding menstruation of my life," and promised to await back with pride and respect on the creation of MAD.

"I could never take imagined that so much could be accomplished when we started on day i and I am genuinely excited to encounter where the years to come up accept the district and the community as a whole," Barrow said. "Our past successes and imminent future accomplishments are reasons why I feel satisfied with stepping down as President and COO of the organization to continue to pursue my personal artistic goals. Regardless of my class change, my family and I are firmly 'El Doradoans'. I'm looking forward to getting back to coaching teams and being the male parent and husband I've always wanted to exist."

Barrow too said he has promised to assist Griffin and the organization whenever called upon and noted that he looks forward to experiencing MAD programming in the future equally a patron.

"Having been a part of creating such a fun environs for our customs, coming to the district to join the party will exist a happy moment for my unabridged family," Barrow said. "I look forward to having a skilful time with each of you as the district continues to grow and attain new heights in the coming seasons."

Griffin said she is excited to take on a new position as MAD continues to grow and looks toward the future.

"We have some great plans for the continued development of MAD and El Dorado as a Southern Arkansas cultural destination," she said in the release. "With just over a year of operating under our belt, we've seen a significant increase in tourism involvement, sales tax receipts for the city, and hotel occupancy. All of these indicators are pointing to a more economically healthy and vibrant El Dorado."

Tarren did not respond to questions about what Griffin's new salary would be.






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