We Can Be a Family Again Portal


Sometimes, you lot tin can't do it all by yourself.

If your family unit is going through tough times, contact Family and Kid Connect for complimentary, unlimited and confidential advice.

We're here to listen and connect y'all to practical support.

Access to interpreters is available.

A range of Family and Kid Connect resources are available for families, including data in other languages.

How we can help

Family and Child Connect tin can assist with a range of family and parenting challenges. We'll talk with you about your situation and piece of work out the type of support you might discover helpful.

We tin connect you to local services that can help with:

  • managing your kid's behaviour (e.thou. skipping school, running away from habitation, homework, tantrums)
  • building better family relationships
  • stopping any violence at habitation
  • budgeting and managing coin
  • booze, drug or gambling problems
  • housing, health care or access to other community or government services.

You can use this service every bit often every bit you need. There is no limit and no cost.

Every family is different so when you lot speak with us you lot volition get communication and support specific to your situation.

What happens when I call?

When you contact Family and Child Connect yous'll speak with an experienced family support worker who will listen to yous and put you in affect with people who have assisted others in tough times.

Nosotros may be able to help you in simply one phone telephone call – either by providing advice or referring you lot to a back up service – or nosotros might accommodate to visit you at domicile or a rubber identify to talk. You tin also work with a domestic violence back up worker.

In some areas, there are family support services run by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations. Most family unit back up services can offer families the option of working with an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander family unit support worker.

How can I help others?

Are you worried most someone else? Maybe it'southward your adult kids and grandkids, a family at school or your friend at work? You can help them become the support they need.

Simple things like organising a playdate or chatting to your friend or colleague might be the start to getting them the assist they demand.

One of the best ways you can help is by starting a chat. So talk to them and encourage them to call 13 FAMILY (13 32 64) or visit their local Family and Child Connect part to get some communication and support for their situation.

You may even like to offer your back up when they speak with Family and Child Connect – either over the phone or in person.

Reporting abuse

If you lot have reason to doubtable a child is experiencing harm, or is at run a risk of experiencing harm, contact Kid Safety.

Ever phone Triple Zero (000) if you believe a kid is in immediate danger.

What other support is available?

If you are looking for practical support to help with the day-to-day work of raising children there are a number of websites and services that provide useful tips and information for parents and families:

Ancient and Torres Strait Islander Family Wellbeing Services - go far easier for Ancient and Torres Strait Islander families in communities across Queensland to admission culturally responsive support to improve their social, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing, and assistance them to safely care for and protect their children. All Family Wellbeing Services are delivered by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community controlled organisations ensuring the support bachelor is culturally condom and appropriate.

Raising Children Network – A comprehensive website offering resources and information on parenting for children of all ages.

Triple P – Positive Parenting Plan – A free parenting program for Queensland parents and carers to raise happy, salubrious children and teenagers.

Parentline – A confidential telephone counselling service which supports parents and carers of children.

Talking Families – A website full of useful tips to help first a conversation – either and so you tin enquire for help for yous and your family or offer back up to a family you know.

oneplace – A gratuitous, online community services directory for Queensland parents, young people and families who are having tough times, to find assist in your local area.

Services delivered by:


Source: https://www.familychildconnect.org.au/

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