Add Good Reviews to All Your Products Shopify

by Michael P. Colina

Tips on adding and managing product reviews on your Shopify theme

Adding product reviews to your Shopify theme is i the best ways to add a level of interactivity to your store that can likewise boost conversions and increment sales — but it's a characteristic that's non without challenges.

Reviews are a great way for customers to see "existent life" examples of what other shoppers think of a product and learn more virtually the product and whether it's right for them.

Reviews or not?

Continue in mind that adding reviews to your store requires delivery beyond just changing some settings. The stores that are about effective with production reviews have solid plans to encourage users to leave reviews, such as these ideas:

  • Automated electronic mail workflows (or, if you prefer, manual ones)
  • Handwritten or printed notes in shipment boxes
  • Outreach via social media
  • Requests for reviews in newsletters or other email marketing

It's always worth giving reviews a endeavour and seeing how much interaction you become. However, if your products don't start filling up with meaningful reviews, you lot may want to consider removing the feature — having products with no or only a handful of reviews can often do more than harm than practiced and brand your store feel unused and stale.

Finally, avoid the temptation to add faux reviews or having friends and family fill in reviews. They near always will plow out sounding staged and savvy online shoppers have quite a olfactory organ for sniffing out fake reviews.

Adding reviews

There are a wide multifariousness of apps available to add reviews to Shopify themes, merely the almost pop is probably Shopify's own free Product Reviews app.

Shopify theme product reviews

In fact, the app is so pop that Out of the Sandbox has built in support for in all of its themes.

For more details almost installing and managing the Shopify Product Reviews app, visit the official Shopify documentation.

Encouraging reviews

Now that you have reviews added to your Shopify theme, it's time to first getting customers to post reviews.

One of the most constructive ways to encourage reviews is to ensure you have a complete and well idea out follow-upwardly procedure.

The cardinal strategy is to recall well-nigh how to encourage customers you lot know are satisfied to mail service a thoughtful and accurate review of your products.

Email marketing is probably the most common way to assemble reviews, so here are some tips on making the most out of this strategy:

  • Be sure to let plenty time: Don't email your customers asking for reviews until y'all're certain the gild has arrived. Not only does that make you lot look a fleck disjointed, it can be a scrap of a plow off to the customer. If you lot're automating the process, exist sure to pad the time trigger a fleck to allow for delivery delays or, if you notice a particular order hits a delivery snag, manually cancel the email automation if possible.
  • Consider the timing: Yous'll besides want to consider that, depending on your product, customers may demand anywhere from a few days to a few months to really get a feel for how well the item works and be able to provide a worthwhile review.
  • Exist persistent just non annoying: It'south fine to be a footling persistent when requesting customer reviews, but sending out blanket grade emails every few days is just annoying. Instead, remember of means to combine "reach out" with another purpose. Yous could, for instance, send users a link to a recent blog post with tips on how to use it along with the request for a review.
  • Call back the constabulary: In many countries, there are laws and regulations about product reviews, especially ones that may have an incentive attached to leaving one. If you make up one's mind to incentivize customers for giving reviews, proceed in heed you should have a disclaimer stating this next to your reviews.

For decorated stores, email automation solutions are a keen way to make this unabridged process run itself.

Bad reviews

Of grade, one of the challenges that make some shop owners wary of implementing reviews on a Shopify theme is how to handle the inevitable bad review.

The showtime thing to keep in heed with bad reviews is to not accept them too personally.

Frequently bad reviews are left when a customer has a particularly bad feel for any number of reasons, some of which may be exterior of your control.

For instance, if a lost or damaged package results in the order not existence properly filled, there's not much you can practise to prevent that — and, unfortunately, people with bad experiences tend to be more than likely to exit reviews than those who accept had positive (or at least uneventful) experiences.

Customers who have bad experiences oft feel the demand to "vent" and a review form is a natural outlet for this.

When someone leaves a bad review, the best strategy is often to view it as an opportunity to collaborate with the customer and turn the negative into a positive.

You may even be able to nip a lot of these in the bud by disabling the car-publish setting in your app; that style you lot tin can read all reviews before they appear in your shop, and deal with any negative reviews accordingly.

A proficient first step is to personally reach out to the client who left the review and try to work with them to resolve the issue.

If the customer's consequence is resolved, then you lot tin can consider one of several options:

  • Remove the review altogether: If the bug brought up in the review were resolved, then you lot might exist able to delete the review in good conscience. This, of class, is a personal conclusion and may vary on a case-by-instance ground.
  • Answer to the review publicly: The Shopify Product Reviews app allows store owners to reply to a review. In your response, y'all can outline what was done to solve the trouble and what the result was. It is, important, however, to keep the tone of your response as friendly and positive, rather than accusatory or negative.
  • Inquire the customer to post a revised review: If you lot've worked out a solution with the client and feel y'all've built a human relationship of trust, yous may desire to consider asking them to leave a revised review. This could be in addition to a previous review left or you may opt to remove the outdated i.

There are also some cases when reviews can be safely removed without feeling guilty:

  • Reviews that are laced with profanity or other inappropriate language
  • Reviews that contain personal attacks on your business or others
  • If the review is blatantly inaccurate in describing your production or service
  • If the reviewer has obviously never purchased or used the product in question
  • If the review is patently fake

Less than perfect reviews

Some other point to consider is that many store owners consider annihilation less than a perfect five star review to be "bad." This actually isn't the instance and there's plenty of reason these reviews tin can exist a good affair.

First, a store with a slate of perfect, gushing v star reviews tin can seem less credible. Think well-nigh information technology — most customers know that no business or product is perfect, so why would all the reviews be perfect?

Although it might seem strange to say so, a production with, say, a 4.v review, might actually seem more authentic than ane with a perfect 5. It'due south a foreign psychological phenomenon, but information technology ends upwards beingness true more than often than not.

Less-than-perfect reviews are also a smashing way to both gather feedback for future product development and changes or a way to help new customers find answers to questions nigh your products.

For example, if reviewers are leaving four star reviews and mentioning certain problems or shortcomings, this is a great indicator that you may need to revisit your product pattern or features.

In many ways, product reviews become an extension of your product descriptions besides.

They can provide a level of detail for customers not certain if a product is "right" for them — so encouraging customers to leave detailed reviews and responding to them with detailed responses, can be a great way to address more detailed questions most your products.

Reviews in real life

For a expert example of the Shopify Product Reviews app in activity, bank check out the Out of the Sandbox store, which is running on Turbo, our latest Shopify theme.

The integration you see there was washed without whatever custom coding or modifications — all that'due south needed is the free Shopify Product Reviews app.

Past the manner, if you're an Out of the Sandbox user, nosotros always appreciate reviews about our themes. Not only is this a great way to give us feedback and give you the experience of leaving a review from a customer'southward perspective, but it'southward too i the first places nosotros await for examples of stores using our themes, that we tin spotlight in our "Featured Shops" lists.

To go out reviews about our Shopify themes, just pick your favorite theme from our main page and roll down to the reviews section to leave your feedback.


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